Doctors and Clinicians
Dr Vicki Wright (f) Senior Partner – MBBS DRCOG DFFP MRCGP – London 2001
Dr Wright joined the practice in 2014. She has special interests in child health, gynaecology and family planning and performs joint injections. She is the lead for COPD and asthma for the practice. She has three young children and when not busy having fun with them, enjoys running and other outdoor activities.
GMC Registration Number 6024648Dr Abid Sabir (m) – GP Partner MB MRCGP– University of Southampton 2010
Dr Sabir joined the practice in September 2020 and is a Partner. His clinical interests include medical education, minor surgical operations, joint injections and Paediatrics. Outside of the practice Dr Sabir enjoys sports including football, cricket and going to the gym.
GMC Registration Number 7082312Dr Caroline A Robertshaw (f) BMedSci (Hons) MBChB MRCGP LoC Sdi – University of Sheffield 2011
Dr Robertshaw joined the practice in 2021. She has an interest in family planning including long acting contraception such as coils and implants and menopause health. Outside of work she enjoys playing sports, walking her dog and visiting new places.Dr Kari Elshibly
Dr Issy Hudson
Dr Bennie Okorare
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Mike Barnwell (m) – ACP Partner
Medicines Management
- Anan Mughal – Pharmacist
- Heena Ebrahim – Pharmacist
- Adele Black – Medicine Management Administrator
- Eleanor Eaton – Medicine Management Administrator