We need your help please…
Social distancing is very important. Now the schools are closed please make sure your children are not congregating in large groups and in small groups they must keep at least 2m apart. The Prime Minister made this point again strongly last night but looking around it is clear the message hasn’t stuck yet especially with children.
Keep washing your hands frequently and make sure your children do to. Have you watched some of the videos about how to do it properly, have your kids? If not please make sure the whole house is doing it properly, it really could save lives.
Take care of your mental health and those around you. These are scary and uncertain times and we will all respond differently. Kindness and understanding will be paramount in getting us all through this together.
Stay active and get outside every day (whilst observing all advice re social distancing and specific advice to the over 70s and those with long term health conditions).
You may have noticed things changing already in the NHS. All GP surgeries are now speaking to patients on the telephone first BEFORE making appointments, so please expect a call and do not attend your surgery without having spoken to them first. Please try and keep your phone close to hand, we are doing our best to contact you and missed calls are time wasted.
Please don’t stockpile medicines or ask for things that aren’t necessary, doing this can impact the supply chain and stop medicines becoming available or getting where we need them most.
Our staff are all human beings and are also anxious for their families and loved ones. Please bear with us when we’re trying to resolve issues and be polite at all times. Most patients are being truly fantastic, but a small minority are still rude and inconsiderate.
Thanks for your time, take care.