Dear Patients,
If you are in the the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) group, you will have had, or be receiving shortly, a letter from NHS England advising you to shield. We are in Tier 4 so you should have had one already from the central NHS. If you have received a Covid-19 vaccination, this advice does not change. Please check the Government website for confirmation of who is considered Clinically Extremely Vulnerable. The Practice is only able to provide Clinically Extremely Vulnerable letters of confirmation to patients falling into one of these groups.
CEV patients are eligible for support to stay at home including free delivery of medicines from their Pharmacy, where friends, family or local volunteers are unable to provide help and statutory sick pay where unable to work from home. Guidance on who is considered clinically vulnerable can be found on the government website.
The NHS confirm that CEV patients will be prioritised for the COVID-19 vaccination in advance of the general population (as per current JCVI guidance). The Practice will be contacting patients to book a COVID vaccine appointment at Derby Arena (local vaccination site) when available. Please do not contact us with vaccine enquiries and we will contact you when it’s your turn. It is expected that Government will be sending text messages and emails to affected patients where the NHS holds the relevant contact information.
For patients that are not Clinically Extremely Vulnerable and require a sick notes these can be downloaded from NHS111.
This information is on the website and in addition the local Derby City/county council.The surgery is unable to provided sickness notes for any COVID
As we have said before, if you need urgent medical help, we are still open between 8.30am to 6:30pm. Lines are busy so please be patient and only contact the surgery for urgent matters. NHS has instructed us to prioritise COVID pandemic needs and resourcing the COVID vaccine centre.
When contacting the surgery, if you are in the CEV patient group, please make the receptionist aware and let them know the nature of your call.
Thankyou for your ongoing support at this very difficult time
The Team at The Lanes and Vernon Medical Centre