Stop Smoking

Live Life Better Derbyshire

Live Life Better Derbyshire provides support to smokers aged 12 and over living in Derbyshire.

Telephone: 0800 085 2299 or 01629 538 200

Facebook: @derbyshirepublichealth

Twitter: @DCCPublicHealth



NHS Smokefree - Mobile App

The Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.

Download from: Google Play: NHS Smokefree

Download from: iTunes: NHS Smokefree

Live Well Derby

With Live Wells Derby’s support and free stop smoking medicine, finding your Will Power to succeed is within your reach.

Telephone: 01332 641254

Facebook: @livewellderby

Twitter: @LivewellDerby



Quit with help

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.
